Pretty x Cation The Animation (2 series)
The website invites you to watch the hentai "Pretty x Cation The Animation (2 series)", which was produced by "PinkPineapple" studio in 2016г.. This hentai belongs to the "Hentai" section of the website and describes many depraved and lustful genres, such as - "Big tits, Oral sex, Paizuri". This work was released in Japan under the title "PRETTY×CATION THE ANIMATION #1「初恋、それぞれの距離」", and in the expanses of Russia and Europe it is known as "PRETTY×CATION". The hentai lasts about "2ep. 25min." and won't give you time to get bored. This "Hentai" was directed by studio "PinkPineapple" and directed by "Raika Ken". Watch Hentai online in excellent WEB-1080PX quality online only on!
Below you'll find a description of this hentai:
Tokyo, the beginning of spring. The main character spends his days in solitude. My parents moved because of work and now he's all alone. The usual start for a typical date-SIM games... Now our hero remains nothing how to find a girlfriend! And he will have plenty: small, cute, tall and curly-and even the mysterious girl from Russia...
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